Lime Applications Essential for Georgia Cotton Growers

Dan Cotton, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC), Soil, Soil, soil fertility

Spreading lime fertilizer on farm field
Shutterstock image by Charles Brutlag

Georgia cotton growers are on the cusp of another planting season. The Georgia Cotton Commission and University of Georgia (UGA) Extension Cotton Team remind producers about the importance of applying lime this time of year.

Camp Hand, UGA Extension cotton agronomist, discussed its significance.

Camp Hand
UGA Extension Cotton Agronomist

“I’ve seen a few lime piles around, so that’s something that definitely needs to be done as soon as we can get in the field, as soon as it’s dry enough,” Hand said. “I would hope that it’s done, because with all of this rain that is coming up this weekend, it’s tough to get in the field right now. I would hope that it’s done, but if it’s not, let’s go ahead and get it done.”

Hand said that lime raises the pH level of the soil. It is normally a corrective action before growers start spreading fertilizer.


“You generally want to have it out there a couple of months before you plant just to give it time to work, do what it’s supposed to do, so by the time you plant your crop and put your pre-plant fertilizer out, it’s well on its way to being corrected,” Hand said. Some producers will start planting in April, though most will wait until the first part of May.

By Clint Thompson

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.