U.S. Suppliers Meet with Latin American Red Meat Buyers

Dan Beef, Exports/Imports, Marketing, Pork, Sheep-Goats, Trade, U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF)

Red meat
Red meat

Red meat buyers from Central and South America and the Caribbean recently met with U.S. suppliers in Cartagena, Colombia, during the 11th edition of the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) Latin American Product Showcase.

With 70 U.S. exporting companies exhibiting at the showcase, 220 importers had the opportunity to meet U.S. suppliers and arrange purchases of a wide range of U.S. red meat products.


The value and versatility of underutilized pork, beef and lamb cuts were a focus of the educational activities during the showcase. U.S. industry leaders in attendance also toured a distribution center and several types of retail outlets.

USMEF Chair-elect, Randy Spronk, attended the event and said “It’s just phenomenal seeing the growth that’s happening in these countries. It’s great for those that fund USMEF to be able to see what those funds actually do and show the return on their investment.”