Groups Call for Checkoff Reform in the 2023 Farm Bill

Dan Agri-Business, Cattle, Farm Bill, Field Crops, Industry, Legislative, Livestock, Regulation

Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay

This week, a coalition of 131 groups representing farmers, the food system, the environment, animal welfare, and antimonopoly advocacy called on Congress to restore accountability and transparency to commodity checkoff programs by supporting inclusion of the Opportunities for Fairness in Farming (OFF) Act (S.557 and H.R.1249) in the 2023 Farm Bill.

Checkoff programs are funded through mandatory fees on farmers and ranchers producing milk, eggs, cattle, hogs, and many other commodities. To support their call for reform, the groups point to “well-documented histories of waste, conflicts of interest, misuse of funding, anti-competitive behavior, and other related issues” associated with checkoff programs.


The letter stated, “Programs entrusted with the hard-earned dollars of America’s family farmers and ranchers should maintain the highest levels of integrity and transparency. The OFF Act is critical to restoring a minimum level of oversight.”

They note the OFF Act would empower and protect farmers by reining in conflicts of interest and anticompetitive behavior.

Farm Action Fund, R-CALF, and other signers to the letter will continue to advance the cause of checkoff reform during debates and hearings for the 2023 Farm Bill.