Immunity Still a Consumer Priority

Dan Citrus, Coronavirus, Orange Juice


Consumers are continuing to seek out foods and beverages that provide immune support during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Jackie Hopkins with Edible told the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) at its Sept. 22 meeting. That search for immunity is a benefit to the orange juice (OJ) industry, since numerous reports indicate consumers link OJ to immunity. Edible is a marketing agency for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC); the FCC is the FDOC’s governing board.

The FDOC is partnering with retailers such as Kroger, Publix, Walmart and Harris Teeter to continue to communicate with consumers along the path to purchase in the shopping planning stage and in-store, Hopkins reported. Programs include in-store communication through shelf-talkers and audio as well as retailer publications and social media.


A customized program in the works with Publix includes an opportunity to position FDOC messaging and content in the Extra Savings Guide publication, as well as provide in-aisle shelf tags, emails and social media. Timing for these activations falls primarily in the winter months to coincide with the …..

Read more about Immunity Still a Consumer Priority on the Citrus Industry website.