India Offers Dairy, Chicken Access in Trade Negotiations

Clint Thompson Dairy, Poultry, Trade

census takers
In a bid to land a limited trade pact with the U.S., India has offered to partially open up its poultry market.

In a bid to land a limited trade pact with the U.S., Reuters says India has offered to partially open up its poultry and dairy markets. The offer comes as India readies for President Donald Trump’s first official visit to the country at the end of this month. No country produces more milk than India, which has traditionally restricted dairy imports to protect the livelihoods of the 80 million households involved in the industry.

Last year, Trump suspended India’s special trade designation that dated back to the 1970s. That move came after India put price caps on medical devices, such as cardiac stents and knee implants, as well as introduced new data localization requirements and e-commerce restrictions. The U.S. is India’s second-largest trading partner, trailing only China. India has offered to allow imports of U.S. chicken legs, turkey, and produce like blueberries and cherries, while also cutting tariffs on chicken legs from 100% to 25. U.S. negotiators would like that cut to 10%.

The Indian government is also offering to allow some access to its dairy market but with a 5% tariff and quotas. However, dairy imports would need a certificate saying they aren’t derived from animals that have consumed feeds containing internal organs, blood meal, or tissues of ruminants.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)