USDA Promoting No-Till November

Dan General, USDA-NRCS

no till usda

USDA is once again celebrating No-Till November. This fall, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is encouraging America’s agricultural producers to keep the stubble and give their farm a more rugged, natural look. While many farmers till during the fall, NRCS notes the reasons not to do so. They note that No-till improves soil health by not disturbing soil microbiology, as beneficial soil microbes are essential for growing food, fiber, and fuel. They also note No-till improves the soil’s water holding capacity and keeps soils in place, preventing harmful runoff and erosion. And, No-till saves time, money, fuel and wear on equipment. It’s an economically-sound choice.

So in other words, USDA is encouraging growers this fall to leave it be, let it grow. And they will be sharing information and stories about no-till on the website, as well as their social media channels, like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

NRCS encourages farmers to tag them in your posts showing off your untilled fields, or a #KeepTheStubble selfie using their cutout beard.