Will the U.S. be Able to Export Pork to China?

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork


(NAFB-September 12, 2019) — China is short on pork, but U.S. producers can’t fill the need until the tariff war ends. Washington hands argue passing the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) might help the China effort. China consumes half the world’s pork, and before African swine fever destroyed a third of its pig herd and raised pork prices 50-percent, China was a top U.S. pork customer. But, National Pork Producers Council chief David Herring told Ag lawmakers in July a 62-percent tariff rate, now 72-percent, has cost U.S. pork producers more than one-billion dollars on an annualized basis.

“Were it not for the retaliatory duties on U.S. pork, we would be in an ideal position to meet China’s need for increased pork imports, and singlehandedly put huge dent in the U.S. trade imbalance with China. Instead, this trade opportunity’s fueling jobs, profits, jobs and rural development for our competitors.”

The U.S. and China will hold mid-level talks this month and plan to resume higher level negotiations in early October.

Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasters