Alabama Fuel Taxes to Rise for First Time Since 1992

Dan Alabama, Energy

Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, held a bill signing ceremony for the Rebuild Alabama Act, which was passed by the Alabama Senate earlier in the day and the Alabama House of Representatives on March 8.
(Governor’s Office, Lori Davis Jhons)

Tuesday afternoon, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed legislation that raises the state’s fuel tax rate for the first time since 1992. Known as the Rebuild Alabama Act, the 10 cent increase will mostly go toward roads and bridges. But it will not happen all at once, as will be phased in over three years. The fuel tax will increase by six cents on September 1, 2019, then another two cents will be added in 2020 and another two cents in 2021.

Governor Ivey said, “What the members of the Alabama Legislature have done today is to improve Alabama’s infrastructure for generations to come.” She said she was “proud to watch the legislature at its finest hour of operation.”

During a special session called by Governor Ivey, the legislation was passed by the Alabama House of Representatives on March 8th by a vote of 83-20. It then passed the Alabama Senate March 12th by a vote of 28-6.

Alabama Agribusiness Council (AAC) Executive Director, Leigha Cauthen, has more details about this legislation and also invites everyone to the rescheduled AAC Legislative Reception.