NBB to EPA: Small Refinery Exemptions Destroy Demand for Biodiesel

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

A letter by the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) asks the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to fully account for small refinery exemptions in the annual Renewable Fuel Standard rules.

nbbSpecifically, the letter addresses EPA acting administrator Andrew Wheeler, asking him to “end the demand destruction for biodiesel.” The letter asks EPA to set RFS biomass-based diesel volumes for 2020 at 2.8 billion gallons, consistent with the industry’s demonstrated ability to produce fuel. The National Biodiesel Board says that between 2015 and 2017, the demand destruction for biomass-based diesel is more than 300 million gallons. The letter also thanked Acting Administrator Wheeler for increasing transparency around the agency’s granting of small refinery exemptions. However, the agency’s data dashboard now makes it easy to calculate the biodiesel demand lost to these exemptions, the letter points out.

Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.