Agri View: Pork Exports to Other than China

Dan Agri View, Exports/Imports, Pork

pork exportsEverett Griner talks about pork exports to other than China in today’s Agri View.

Pork Exports to Other than China

You know, one of the most important items to U.S. farmers on that list of China’s embargoed items is pork. It can cost U.S. hog farmers millions of dollars. No one knows how to deal with it, as long as it last.

There is good news in the making. Argentina is working with United States officials to cut a deal to import U.S. pork. There has been no American pork exported to Argentina in 25 years. The proposed deal would be as much as $10 million dollars the first year. After that, it could go higher.

Consumption of pork is on the rise there. It would not replace all that China buys. It has the potential to.

United States pork producers exported $6.5 billion dollars worth of pork to all buyers last year. So the deal with argentina will help a lot.

I hope it works.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…