China Steps Up Pork Inspections, Slowing Imports

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork

China is stepping up inspections of pork imports from the United States.

chinaPorts are opening and inspecting every cargo that arrives, according to a report by Reuters, compared with inspections carried out only “randomly” in the past. Some trade experts see the move, along with other similar actions by China, as a warning to the United States in response to U.S. demands made last week.

An agriculture analyst at China Policy, a Beijing-based consultancy, told Reuters that increased checks on U.S. products are “not terribly surprising,” adding that when trade tensions are high, “China will enforce every possible regulation on its books.” The inspections mean delays at Chinese ports with U.S. pork now sitting in port for up to two weeks, instead of a few days.

The move to increase inspections follows a 25 percent additional tariff China has placed on U.S. pork and other goods stemming from a trade dispute with the United States.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.