Agri View: Avian Flu Detection

Dan Agri View, Poultry

avian fluEverett Griner talks about avian flu detected on the southeast coast in today’s Agri View. He discusses how it arrived and what is being done about it.

Avian Flu Detection

In the world of poultry production, avian flu is the two most dreaded words a poultry farmer can hear. Avian flu is transported to commercial flocks by migratory birds. And, once a commercial herd is infected, destroying all of the birds in that flock is the only way to fight it.

Now, it is logical that all commercial producers are constantly alert for any sign. All that said, southeastern poultry farmers have been alerted to the dreaded virus being transported by wild ducks along the south Atlantic coast. It is not an alarming situation. But, it is enough to make commercial poultry farmers nervous.

Officials have said it is not a serious situation, and they want it to stay that way. They are watching it very carefully. Yes, they want it to remain exactly the way it is. Under observation.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…