Busy Week Ahead for Congress

Dan Industry News Release

busy weekIt will be a busy week in Congress with two big issues that will be addressed. Mary Kay Thatcher, senior director of congressional relations with the American Farm Bureau Federation spoke to Kansas Farm Bureau members at their annual meeting in Manhattan Monday morning.

We’ll learn soon the conferees for the conference committee that will try and put the House and Senate versions of the tax reform bill into a final piece of legislation.


The estate tax is one part the conferees will have to reconcile, especially with the Senate versions having a sunset provision on the estate tax.


Thatcher says the intent is for the conference committee to be finished by the 15th followed up by a vote sometime before Christmas.

Another issue this week is the Friday deadline to fund the government to keep it operating. Thatcher says it was another delay in approving the 12 appropriations bills for the current fiscal year, until December 8th.


Thatcher says it would not surprise her to see Congress working until the 22nd, 23rd and maybe up to the early morning of the 24th.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.