Pork Industry Concerned about U.S. Trade Tensions with China

Dan Industry News Release, Pork, Trade

porkThe pork industry is concerned that new U.S. trade tensions with China could result in retaliation against U.S. farm sectors. National Pork Producers Spokesman Dave Warner says the Trump Administration is right to deal with countries that discriminate against U.S. exports, just as it will in NAFTA talks starting this month.


China may be considering a retaliatory response, including against U.S. agriculture if President Trump issue’s a memorandum directing the U.S. Trade Representative to investigate China’s intellectual property and trade practices. Senate Democrats are also proposing legislation to crack down on trade abuses. Warner says China was the third best customer for U.S. pork last year.

The market includes well over a billion people, including a growing middle class that’s moved to a protein diet.

Farm interests continue to make that point to Congress and the Administration in talks to update NAFTA.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)