Agri View: Agricultural Equipment Sales

Dan Agri View

agricultural equipment
Everett Griner talks about agricultural equipment sales tracking agriculture in today’s Agri View.

You know even the people who keep up with what goes on in the world of agriculture give little thought in the industry that keeps farmers going. Talking about the people who build the tractors, combines and other implements. In case you care, it hasn’t been too progressive in their business lately. Tractors cost a lot of money. You don’t trade them frequently. You take care of them and you use them until they wear out. That is the case with practically all farm equipment. So when crop prices decline and market conditions falter farmer’s equipment manufacturers feel the sting too. It doesn’t go away until the whole farm economy picks up. It is a big industry. It employs a lot of people. So in lagging times on the farm it is tough on those equipment builders too.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.

Image credit: A row of John Deere tractors ready for a California agricultural auction
Image ID:261924122
Copyright: Maria Jeffs
Editorial Credit: Maria Jeffs /

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