A new nationwide poll is out that shows farmers and ranchers favoring Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the presidential sweepstakes. 55 percent of respondents in the Agri-Pulse Farm and Ranch Poll say they’ll vote for the Republican candidate while 18 percent say they’ll cast a vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton.
The poll shows two percent of the respondents planning to vote for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and one percent casting a vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein. However, those numbers could change as 15 percent of the respondents remain undecided and eight percent refused to answer the question as to who they were supporting.
Trump attracted 59 percent of the male voters and 37 percent of female voters. Clinton drew support from 15 percent of males and 33 percent of females. The GOP nominee scored particularly well in two battleground states, with 68 percent of Ohio farmers and ranchers supporting Trump and 58 percent of farmers and ranchers in Florida also said they will support Trump.
86 percent of respondents were “somewhat” or “very dissatisfied” with the way things are going in the country, which is higher than the 75 percent number back in a January survey.
(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters News Service)