If this is the year you’re going to bring home those cute little fur babies and you’re just starting out, the first thing you should do is your homework. Cathy Isom gives us some hints on raising baby chicks to backyard chickens.
So, you’re interested in raising chickens? You’ve embarked on a fun and exciting journey! BYC (BackYardChickens) is FULL of great information. If your question isn’t answered in our Learning Center Articles then we promise there is an answer on our chicken forum.
Below are the absolute basics of raising chickens. For more detailed information please explore the rest of the site and join our forum.
Why Raise Chickens?
Easy and inexpensive to maintain (when compared to most other pets)
Eggs that are fresh, great-tasting & nutritious
Chemical-free bug and weed control
Manufacture the worlds best fertilizer
Fun & friendly pets with personality (yes, you read that right)
Chicken Care After First 60 Days, General Chicken Care:
Chicken Coops – Once feathered out you’ll want to move your chickens into a chicken coop! Rule of thumb is about 2-3 square feet per chicken inside the hen-house and 4-5 sq/ft per chicken in an outside run. Keep local chicken predators in mind and make a safe home for your flock!
Flooring – Pine shavings work best. You can even try the deep litter method for even less maintenance.
Now that you’ve skimmed the basics you might be ready to do a deeper dive into learning more about raising backyard chickens. We suggest the following:
Visit our very diverse Chicken Learning Center with tons of articles and information about raising your backyard chickens.
Vsit our chicken community discussion forum where you can search and post your questions to our super friendly community of thousands of chicken enthusiasts!