Cargill Cutting Antibiotic Use

Randall Weiseman Beef, Cattle, Livestock

Cargill announced the company is cutting down the use of antibiotics in livestock. Pro Farmers First Thing Today reports that on February 26th, Cargill began cutting antibiotic use deemed important for human medicine and farm animals by around 20 percent from four feed yards in Texas, Kansas and Colorado. The top U.S. meat processor is making the same cuts at four feed yards operated by a Cargill supplier. The company details that this will affect around 1.2 million cattle each year, or about 18 percent of what Cargill processes. This comes as Cargill is working to make cuts to deal with a struggling agriculture sector. It also follows a 2013 release of voluntary guidelines for agriculture companies to phase out antibiotic use as a growth enhancer for livestock by the Food and Drug Administration.