Thermotherapy Gives Grower Mixed Results

Josh McGill Citrus, Florida, General

Thermotherapy Gives Grower Mixed Results After Year-Long Trial

Thermotherapy Gives Grower Mixed ResultsGrowers gathered at a citrus thermotherapy follow-up field day at Whitaker Groves in Grand Island, Florida. They came to see the effects thermotherapy had on a block of Valencias that were treated in July 2015. Cliff Whitaker, the owner of the grove, said that while the treatment did reduce fruit drop, he does not think thermotherapy is the solution. He saw positive results in his Valencias and Hamlins, but no success in his mandarins. However, he did see better results using solar treatment on his oranges. Whitaker said he plans to continue his cooperation with the University of Florida, but he doesn’t know if thermotherapy is an economically viable treatment option for growers.

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