From the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries:
MONTGOMERY, AL – The Alabama Unmanned Aerial System Task Force met today to finalize details of the report that will be submitted to Governor Robert Bentley by January 15. 2015. The Governor established the task force on July 18, 2014, with the primary mission to study the requirements of UAV/UAS operations in the State of Alabama, meet with relevant stakeholders, and ultimately recommend a statewide plan for the use of UAV/UASs by the State of Alabama. Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries John McMillan has served as chairman of the committee.
Subcommittees were formed and have met over the past several months to complete a detailed written report that will be submitted to the Governor. The subcommittees included Aeronautics & FAA, Agriculture & Forestry, Conservation & Natural Resources, Department of Transportation, Education & Research, First Responders, Legislative and Utilities. The recommendations of each subcommittee are science based, data driven and in compliance with anticipated FAA regulations and most importantly are in the best interest of the State of Alabama, with great regard to protecting the privacy of all Alabama citizens.
Once this final report is submitted to the governor the task force will have completed their mission and has recommended that from this point forward the Alabama Department of Transportation’s Aeronautics Bureau be the responsible agency with the task force being utilized as an advisory board.
“There are so many beneficial uses of UAVs and UASs for multiple industries and governmental agencies,” McMillan said. The subcommittee reports will be posted on the Alabama Unmanned Aerial System Task Force website next week.” The complete report should be released by the Governor’s office at a later date.