August Alabama Wildlife School to Be Held in Bibb County

Randall Weiseman Ag "Outdoors", Alabama, Cattle, Field Crops, Forestry, General, Industry News Release, Livestock, USDA-NRCS

From USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Alabama:

Auburn, Ala, July 18, 2014 – The Alabama Association of Conservation Districts’ Forestry and Wildlife Committee will host a Forestry and Wildlife School, on August 21-22, 2014, at the National Guard Armory, 133 Walnut Street, Brent, Alabama.

The targeted audience includes landowners and land managers interested in improving wildlife habitat and timber production. Topics include wildlife management, timber management, feral hog control, and much more. The event will also include a tour of a pole plant on Thursday afternoon and a forestry field tour on Friday morning.

Sponsors include the Alabama Association of Conservation Districts, Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee; the Bibb and Walker Soil and Water Conservation Districts, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and Bibb County Forestry Planning Committee.

Early registration is $75 and is applicable through August 8, 2014. After August 8, 2014, the fee is $95. The registration form is available online at:, click on “Calendar,” then scroll to “Forestry and Wildlife School for Landowners.”

Registered foresters that attend will receive Continuing Education Credits for each day of attendance.

For more information, contact Katherine Patton, Walker County Soil and Water Conservation District, 1710 Alabama Avenue, Jasper, Alabama, telephone number: (205) 384-0606, Ext. 1