Auburn Invites Southeast Producers to Beef Cattle Conference

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Cattle, Florida, Georgia, Livestock

Dr. Don MulvaneyIf you are in the cattle business in the Southeast, then you are invited to take part in the 2013 Beef Cattle Conference August 16-17 at the Ham Wilson Livestock Arena on the Auburn University Campus. Dr. Don Mulvaney reminds cattle producers that the pre-registration deadline is July 17th.

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Auburn, Ala. – With the main theme of this year’s regional conference being ‘Innovation, Efficiency and Effectiveness – Adapting Cattle Production For Greater Success’, over 25 leaders in the beef industry have been assembled to address cattlemen needs in areas of management practices, nutritional decision making, health and reproductive practices, and market/marketing practices. The annual “Auburn University Department of Animal Sciences Beef Cattle Conference (BCC)” will be held in Auburn, Ala. on Friday and Saturday, August 16-17, 2013 at the newly remodeled Auburn University Overton/Goodwin Center and campus facilities.

The Conference is designed to provide members of the beef cattle community an update on current beef cattle topics critical to success as well as management skills for their farm or ranch that can improve the bottom line. Organized by faculty within the Department of Animal Sciences at Auburn in partnership with representatives of the beef cattle community from Alabama, Georgia, Missouri, Nebraska, and North Carolina, the conference will be an outstanding experience for all members of the cattle community.

With expanding global demand, a contracted national cow herd and rising input costs, cattlemen are faced with enormous challenges to remain innovative, efficient and effective. “Our departmental mission is about helping producers be more successful now and in the future. The 2013 program is geared to provide cutting edge information to cattlemen in all phases of the industry especially cow-calf producers, stocker or feeder operations within the Southeast Region and beyond,” said Wayne Greene, Head of the Department of Animal Sciences. “From weeds/forage, nutrition, reproduction and health, practical genetics, purebred and commercial cattle, marketing, industry issues and much more, we believe we have information for every attendee to take home and apply to their operations.”

The conference will be a unique forum of producers, educators, and scientists from the nation’s leading beef cattle land grant universities and allied industries. Interactive workshop sessions are planned to allow participants to choose workshops based on their level of production experience and the needs of their farm. For youth 9th grade through 12th grade who register for this event a special leadership development track will be provided on Saturday. With Trent Loos, Dr. Monty Kerley, Dr. Wade Shafer, Dr. Brent Woodward, Dr. Kari Underly, Steve Whitmire, Dr. Eric Moore, Dr. Lisa Kriese-Anderson, Dr.Gates Riddell and many other breakout session speakers that are actually doing innovative approaches, the 2013 BCC will be one that cattlemen won’t want to miss. The innovative conference is scheduled from 1-9 p.m., with dinner provided on Friday and from 8:00 am through noon on Saturday.

Registration in advance of July 17 is $80 per person ($160 after the date) will cover educational materials, a digital copy of the Beef Cattle Conference proceedings, dinner, break items and refreshments. Due to limited capacity and strong demand, early registration is strongly encouraged. For more information on the conference or corporate partnership opportunities, contact Candace at 334-844-1521 or visit: