Governor Scott Signs Florida’s Congressional Redistricting Plan

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THE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, February 16, 2012…….Gov. Rick Scott signed the Legislature’s plan to redraw the state’s congressional districts Thursday, likely paving the way for more lawsuits surrounding the once-a-decade redistricting process.

Scott’s office quietly announced the move in the afternoon without comment. A letter from Scott to Secretary of State Kurt Browning simply said the bill (SB 1174) had been signed.

The signing was expected; Scott was largely hands-off during the redistricting process and hadn’t given any signs he might veto the plan.

But the measure has already been challenged by the Florida Democratic Party in court, and a coalition of voting-rights groups said after the Senate gave the maps final approval that they would follow suit pending Scott’s signature. A spokesman for the groups — which include the League of Women Voters of Florida, The National Council of La Raza and Common Cause — did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The groups intend to challenge the maps under the anti-gerrymandering Fair Districts amendments, approved by voters in the 2010 elections.
Those standards require lawmakers to draw the maps without regard for how they might impact incumbents or political parties.

The groups’ planned lawsuit says the bill “is filled with unconstitutional political gerrymanders intended to favor one political party and certain incumbents, while disfavoring the other political party and other incumbents.”

The plan has already caused upheaval in the state’s congressional delegation. Republican U.S. Reps. John Mica and Sandy Adams are seemingly headed for a primary showdown, while Congressmen Dan Rooney and Allen West joined former state House Majority Leader Adam Hasner in a delicate dance to make sure each of the three had a seat to run for.

While Scott has the final say on the congressional maps, efforts to redraw the districts for the Legislature SJR 1176) instead go directly to the Supreme Court after a review by the attorney general. Justices have set a deadline of noon Friday for parties to file briefs in that case, with oral arguments scheduled for Feb. 29.

Attorneys with the House, Senate, Attorney General Pam Bondi, the Florida Democratic Party and the coalition of voting-rights groups have already filed notices with the Supreme Court that they plan to take part in the legal battle over the legislative maps.

House Speaker Dean Cannon said Thursday that if the courts don’t approve those plans, lawmakers will hold a special session to try again.

2/16/12 Independent and Indispensable