Tell Congress to Act Immediately on Free Trade

Randall Weiseman Alabama, Beef, Cattle, Dairy, Florida, General, Georgia, Livestock

This is a note from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association:

Last week, the White House submitted the pending free trade agreements with Korea, Colombia and Panama to Capitol Hill for immediate consideration. Congress is expected to vote on the job-generating agreements tomorrow, Oct. 12, 2011. NCBA has been a leader in advocating support for these agreements, which will increase demand for U.S. beef, stimulate the U.S. economy and create jobs throughout the country.

Action Item:

Now more than ever, we need you to contact your Senators and Congressmen and tell them to support passage of all three pending free trade agreements with Korea, Colombia and Panama. Click here to easily write a message to your members of Congress byway of NCBA’s new website. When clicking the link, you will see talking points that will assist you in writing a quick message in support of these pending free trade agreements. You may also voice your support by calling 202-224-3121 and asking for your Senator or Representative. Take action today.


Under an agreement with Congress and the White House, a vote on a renewal of Trade Adjustment Assistance legislation is expected tomorrow. The free trade agreements are also expected to come to a vote on Wed., Oct. 12, 2011.