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SMART Nitrogen Fertilizers-Micronutrients-Phosphites
Insecticides, Foliar Nutrients Both Aid HLB-Infected Citrus
Insecticides seem to play an even bigger role than foliar nutrients in enhancing fruit yield from HLB-infected trees, according to University of Florida entomologist Phil Stansly. Stansly discusses studies he and others are conducting, and the need for insecticides. Listen to the reports.
Citrus Mutual Happy with Senate Rejection of Mandatory E-verify
Florida Citrus Mutual CEO Mike Sparks reacts to the Florida Senate’s rejection of the mandated use of the federal E-verify system to check the immigration status of employees. Get details here.
Click on the links below to read or hear the stories.
Alexander Bill Would Alter Citrus Commission & FDOC
Live Citrus Crop Forecast Update on May 11
CRDF Switches “Secondary” Research Funding Target
Citrus Growers Closing Groves Early
New Brazilian Citrus Zone Doubles Production
HLB in Dominican Republic Leaves 5000 Unemployed
Best Times to Sample for HLB
U.S. Sugar citrus scientist Mike Irey, long a proponent of removing HLB-infected trees, talked about the best times to sample for HLB at the April Florida Citrus Growers Institute. He addresses the timing of sampling, as well as his belief that some growers who abandoned tree removal in favor of foliar nutrition programs can successfully return to tree removal as an HLB management method. Hear his report.
May Issue Addresses Summer Production Practices and Much More
Summer production practices, calibration and maintenance of fertilizer spreaders, the relationship between phytophthora and HLB, SARs, and sanitation in citrus nurseries are among topics addressed in the May Citrus Industry magazine. Listen to editor Ernie Neff’s report.
May 10 Mid Florida Citrus Foundation Field Day, Conserv II, Winter Garden
May 24-26 Field to the Hill, Florida Farm Bureau’s annual visit to Washington, D.C.
May 26 Management of Citrus Diseases, Immokalee IFAS Center, required RSVP to 863-674-4092 or maz@ufl.edu
June 2 Citrus Golf Day, The Country Club of Sebring, contact Jan at the Highlands County Citrus Growers Association at 863-385-8091
June 5-7 Florida State Horticultural Society annual meeting, Marriott Vinoy Renaissance, St. Petersburg Resort and Golf Club.
June 15-17 Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency Coconut Point, Bonita Springs
Send your event info to enewsoffice@southeastagnet.com