Former US Trade Rep, Ag Secretary Yeutter Talks Specialty Crops

Gary Cooper Alabama, Beef, Cattle, Citrus, Dairy, Florida, General, Georgia, International, Nursery Crops, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Vegetables

Gary Cooper & Clayton Yeutter

Southeast AgNet’s Gary Cooper caught up with former U S Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter to discuss timely issues facing specialty crop growers in both world trade and U. S. Farm Bill negotiations. Yeutter was a featured speaker at this week’s Bayer CropScience Ag Issues Forum held in Tampa, just before the national Commodity Classic convention, which will bring corn and soybean growers nationwide to the Sunshine State.
Yeutter has been a key figure in shaping both U. S. and international food and ag policy for more than three decades. His career has included multi-year stints as President/CEO of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange; U. S. Trade Representative in the Reagan administration, and Secretary of Agriculture in the first Bush administration. Today he is a highly sought after writer and speaker on topics of trade and agricultural policy.

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