Growers Urged for Input for New E P A Numeric Nutrient Water Regs

Gary Cooper Cattle, Citrus, Florida, Forestry, General, Nursery Crops, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Vegetables

Florida farmers are urged to register now to assure their views are heard and considered at three EPA public hearings scheduled for mid-February. These hearings will address new numeric nutrient water standards EPA is announcing this week that could dramatically impact agriculture’s ability to operate in the state of Florida, and Florida is the ONLY state singled out for this action. CLICK HERE to find an earlier news post with details on the public hearings and links to get registered on line. To hear more about what brought this about, why Florida is being singled out and why so many water using businesses fear for their future, listen to this report by clicking the play icon below. Then be prepared for the consequences if you don’t turn out to at least show stength and unity behind those who are willing to speak on your industry’s behalf.