Citrus Energy

Randall Weiseman Citrus, Energy, Florida

The future of citrus was a big topic at the Farm to Fuel Summit in Florida recently. One of the speakers was David Stewart, CEO of Citrus Energy, LLC who discussed the development of citrus waste as a biomass feedstock for ethanol production. He is the inventor of three pending patents: Ethanol Production from Citrus Processing Waste, Method and Apparatus for Vacuum Cooling of High Solids Slurries, and Methanol and System of Treating Citrus Waste to Remove Peel Oil Components.

“If you’ll excuse the pun, within cellulosic ethanol I think we have the low hanging fruit as a feedstock,” said Stewart. “The citrus industry has been under pressure from Brazil and issues like canker, so anything we can do to help that industry is important.”

Listen to Stewart’s Farm to Fuel address here:
Listen To MP3 Report (14:00 mp3)