Soon Sadly Saying Farewell to “Kat”

Gary Cooper Citrus, Citrus Expo News, Florida, General

Southeast AgNet's katherine Bush Southeast AgNet will soon have to say farewell to a young lady we all think the world of around here. Katherine Bush started at Southeast AgNet as a legislative news intern in Tallahassee in early 2006. “Kat” has been a pleasure to work with as she more recently pulled the details and logistics together for Citrus Expo 2007, likely to be the biggest and best Expo of the event’s 16 year history. She has also effectively learned the citrus newsbeat as a program anchor for Southeast AgNet. We wish her the best in her new endeavors as an ag-chem sales rep in central Florida, and in her marriage set for late September. Good Luck Kat! We hope you’ll remember those of us at the bottom of the job training and feeding chain!