The USDA’s Foodkeeper app is a handy way of finding out on your smartphone or tablet if those leftovers are safe to eat. Cathy Isom fills us in about the changes coming to the mobile app that tells us how long we can keep and safely eat food.
From: iTunes
USDA FoodKeeper
By USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service
The FoodKeeper can help consumers use food while at peak quality and reduce waste. The storage times listed are intended as useful guidelines and are not hard-and-fast rules. Some foods may deteriorate more quickly while others may last longer than the times suggested. The times will vary depending on the growing conditions, harvesting techniques, manufacturing processes, transportation and distribution conditions, nature of the food, and storage temperatures. Remember to buy foods in reasonable quantities and rotate the products in your
pantry, refrigerator, and freezer.
Every year, billions of pounds of good food go to waste in the U.S. because consumers are not sure of its quality or safety. Food waste from households represents about 44% of all food waste generated in the U.S. By reducing food waste through buying appropriate quantities, storing foods properly, cooking what is needed and composting, consumers can save money and reduce the amount of food going to landfills.
What’s New in Version 3.0.0
“Add Item” button – FoodKeeper App now provides a button for the users to suggest to USDA an item they’d like to see in the FoodKeeper Database.
Image credit: Screenshots of Foodkeeper App courtesy of iTunes.
Learn more and download the USDA Foodkeeper App.