Women in Ag Numbers on the Rise

Dan Alabama, Industry News Release

Lauryn Bryght of Macon County is part of an expanding group of farmers—women farmers. From 2012 to 2017, the number of women involved in U.S. agriculture grew by nearly 27 percent. Out of 3.4 million farmers nationally, more than 1.2 million are women.  The most recent Census of Agriculture shows a dramatic increase in the number of women in agriculture—a …

Women in Agribusiness Now Accepting Award Nominees

Josh McGill Industry News Release

The Women in Agribusiness Summit is seeking award nominations for the Women in Agribusiness Demeter Award of Excellence. Now in its fifth year, the award is bestowed upon “some of the most innovative, action-oriented movers and shakers in the agribusiness sector.” Nominations must have a minimum of ten years of experience in agriculture, be a positive example and break down …