Trump Administration Invests in High-Speed Broadband in Rural Alabama

Dan Alabama, Industry News Release, Technology, USDA

ReConnect Funding to Connect 11,163 Rural Households to High-Speed Internet e-Connectivity (USDA/RD) — The Trump Administration announced that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing $37 million to provide broadband service in unserved and underserved rural areas in Alabama. This investment is part of the $550 million Congress allocated to the second round of the ReConnect Program. “Access to …

USDA Invests in Rural Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in 24 States

Dan Industry News Release, Water

Investments will Benefit 133,000 Residents in Rural Communities WASHINGTON, (USDA) – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service Administrator Chad Rupe announced that USDA is investing $135 million in 49 projects to improve rural water infrastructure in 24 states (PDF, 170 KB). “Under the leadership of President Trump and Agriculture Secretary Perdue, USDA continues to partner with rural communities to …

USDA Partners with Communities to Bring High-Speed Broadband e-Connectivity Infrastructure to Rural Areas

Dan Industry News Release, Technology

More than 27,000 Businesses and Residents to Get Improved e-Connectivity Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett announced that USDA is investing in infrastructure projects in a dozen states (.pdf) to improve e-Connectivity in rural communities. “In the modern economy, rural broadband is a lifeline to quality of life and economic opportunity,” Hazlett said. “With that impact, USDA is fiercely …

Florida Disaster Assistance and Hurricane Recovery Workshops

Dan Florida, USDA-NRCS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) wants to remind agricultural producers affected by Hurricane Michael that representatives from USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Farm Service Agency (FSA), Rural Development (RD) and Risk Management Agency (RMA) will present disaster assistance workshops next week. Topics to be discussed include emergency assistance for livestock & crop-related expenses and losses; financial assistance programs …

Funding to Increase Access to Education, Workforce Training and Health Care Opportunities in Rural Communities

Dan Economy, Education, Industry News Release

Investments will help more than 4.5 million rural Americans Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced that USDA is awarding grants for 128 projects to increase access to job training (PDF, 351 KB), educational and health care services in rural areas. “Empowering rural Americans with access to services for quality of life and economic development is critical to rural prosperity,” Secretary Perdue said. “Distance …

Webpage Highlighting Resources to Bridge the Broadband e-Connectivity Infrastructure Gap

Dan Industry News Release

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue unveiled a new webpage featuring information about the importance of rural e-Connectivity and the ways the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing to help deploy high-speed broadband infrastructure in rural America. “Rural high-speed broadband e-Connectivity is as important for economic development as rail, roads, bridges and airports – and as vital as the buildouts of …