Federal Government Reopens for Now

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

After a month-long shutdown, the federal government reopens officially for three weeks following an announcement from President Donald Trump.  The 800,000 federal workers who have been on furlough will be receiving back pay for the days that offices were closed due to the shutdown.  The funding will keep the government running until February 15. “I am very proud to announce …

Trump Voters in Midwest States Losing Faith in Administration’s Commitment to Renewable Fuels

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

New polling shows that voters across three Midwestern states are disappointed with Trump Administration decisions regarding biofuels. Released by the National Biodiesel Board this week, a survey of voters in Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota overwhelmingly say they support federal policies to encourage growth in biodiesel and renewable fuels use. Their support cut across party lines, with more than two-thirds of …

Georgia Cotton Commission Pleased with Efforts by Congress

Dan Cotton

It was announced Tuesday that a large, bipartisan block of 135 Senators and Representatives sent letters to President Trump strongly urging the Administration’s support, through USDA, to operate the Cotton Ginning Cost Share Program effective for the 2016 crop year and on an ongoing basis. And, Georgia Cotton Commission’s Richey Seaton is pleased to see this support.

Possible Key Points in the NAFTA Renegotiations

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

In his campaign for the White House, Donald Trump stressed the dangers of consistently running a trade deficit. A USA Today article says the administration will likely focus on ways to cut into the trade deficit when renegotiations formally begin on the North American Free Trade Agreement. One key point that Trump wants to revise is the “Rules of Origin.” …