Texas Freeze Leaves Citrus Crop in Trouble

Dan Citrus, Weather

The historic cold snap that has frozen Texas this week has left citrus growers with little hope for saving their crops. “We’ve had the perfect trifecta this season,” says Dale Murden, citrus grower and president of Texas Citrus Mutual. “We’ve endured the lingering drought, Hurricane Hanna and now the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre — all on top of the pandemic. It’s …

farm bill

Texas Rep. Says Farm Bill Must Meet Objectives

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

A U.S. Representative from West-Texas says the farm bill must ensure a strong, viable ag sector. Republican Jodey Arrington, a member of the farm bill conference committee, penned an editorial this week. The congressman says the mission of the committee is clear: “to establish policies that support a vibrant agriculture economy, strengthen rural communities, maintain food security in America and …

Cuba, Houston, Sign Port Agreement

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The Port Authority of Houston, Texas and its counterpart in Cuba have signed an agreement of “friendship and commercial cooperation.” The agreement between the two launches an opportunity to “continue trade in agricultural products between the U.S. and Cuba,” according to the Houston Port Authority. The PanAm Post reports that the agreement seeks to facilitate and promote trade, generate new …