EPA Admin Says EPA Will Move on Year-Round E15

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt spent part of a trip in Kansas at an ethanol production facility. Pruitt’s trip included a stop at the East Kansas Agri-Energy ethanol plant, along with meeting local agriculture groups. The visit comes a week after the White House stopped a proposal that ethanol groups say would harm the industry, allowing RIN exports, …

Ernst Expresses Frustration with EPA

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa expressed deep frustration Tuesday regarding the Environmental Protection Agency under President Donald Trump. Speaking of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Ernst told an energy symposium in Washington, D.C. “If the President wants to drain the swamp, he needs to take a look at his own cabinet.” Pruitt has been a target of biofuels states after granting …

Farmers Union Wants Immediate Action on E15 Waiver

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency’s delay in allowing year-round use of E15 gasoline threatens to harm markets for family farmers. National Farmers Union President Roger Johnson wrote a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, urging the EPA to immediately institute a waiver for summertime sales of E15. Johnson says the year-round use of E15 would have significant benefits for farmers, the …

Growth Energy Comments on EPA CVR Waiver

Dan Biotechnology, Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency has granted an undisclosed waiver to CVR, a refinery owned by Carl Icahn, allowing the company to bypass its biofuel obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard. The move, which is one of several, has angered the ethanol industry. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor points out the political ties between the Trump Administration and Icahn, as “Icahn …

EPA Chief Faces Tough Questions

Dan Industry News Release

A Politico report says Environmental Protection Agency Chief Scott Pruitt had a simple task during recent Congressional hearings, which was to keep his conservative backers happy. In turn, that may keep the president happy. Democrats and environmentalists panned Pruitt’s job performance as the EPA head is facing a number of ethical and spending questions. Most Republicans seemed pleased enough with …

EPA Chief Faces Scrutiny on Capitol Hill

Dan Industry News Release

Lawmakers peppered Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt with questions on ethics and spending allegations that have prompted bipartisan calls for his ouster. An Associated Press report says the EPA boss was on the defensive as he blamed “half-truths” and “twisted” allegations as attempts to undermine the Trump administration’s anti-regulatory agenda. The public questioning on Capitol Hill comes after a …

EPA Administrator Faces “Watershed” Moment

Dan Industry News Release

Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is approaching his two separate committee hearings in the House of Representatives with sagging support on the hill. Even his most dedicated backers are starting to express concerns about the controversies surrounding the administrator that have continued to swirl. Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, perhaps his biggest ally in Congress, even says …

RFA Thanks 38 Senators for Leadership

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

38 senators, led by Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), sent a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, urging him to implement a strong final 2018 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) rule that reflects Congressional intent to promote future biofuels growth. Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Bob Dinneen offered the following statement: “We applaud the leadership of these lawmakers, …