
Thirty Million Farm Acres Abandoned Since 1986

Dan Agri-Business, Biofuels/Energy, Economy

In 2022, a University of Wisconsin study claimed that U.S. farmers had converted several million acres of pristine grassland and other “semi-natural areas” to cropland. Researcher Tyler Lark said that was in response to the Renewable Fuel Standard and ethanol production. Two years later, another study by Lark shows a different result. Using satellite imagery from the 2022 study, the …

Efforts to Move Northey Block Continues

Dan Industry News Release

Iowa Republicans took a strike at Senator Ted Cruz of Texas this week, saying his hold on the nomination of Iowa’s Bill Northey to the Department of Agriculture will harm his political standing. As Cruz continued his attack of the Renewable Fuel Standard Wednesday, speaking at Philadelphia Energy Solution’s so-called anti-ethanol rally, the Iowa Republican Party warned Cruz that continuing …

Largest East Coast Refinery Bankrupt, Cries Foul over RFS

Dan Industry News Release

The largest oil refinery on the U.S. East Coast will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and Philadelphia Energy Solutions LLC, owner of the complex, claims the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is to blame. Since 2012, Philadelphia Energy Solutions has spent more than $800 million on credits to comply with the law, making it the refiner’s biggest expense after the purchase …

Growth Energy Applauds EPA RVO Announcement

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Growth Energy called Thursday’s volume obligation announcement for the 2018 Renewable Fuel Standard a move that gives the biofuels industry much needed certainty. The announcement by the Environmental Protection Agency upholds the statutory targets for conventional biofuels. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor applauded the announcement. Announcement The total renewable fuel volume is 19.29 billion gallons, which includes 15 billion gallons …

Growth Energy Applauds EPA Point of Obligation Decision

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency decision to reject changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard point of obligation means consumers will continue to enjoy increasing choices at the pump. Growth Energy applauded the EPA for rejecting requests to change the point of obligation, a move that would have caused confusion in the marketplace. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says the move to …

Governors Write Trump Regarding RFS

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Four ethanol-state governors are expressing concerns regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard to President Donald Trump. In a letter, Monday, the governors of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and South Dakota, told the president they were concerned about “where the EPA’s proposed implementation of RFS policy is heading,” and its impact on farmers and the rural economy. The four Republicans urged the president …

EPA to Reject Ethanol Rules Change

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency will reject proposed changes to the point of obligation for complying with the Renewable Fuel Standard away from refiners. Politico reports that a Trump administration official said the EPA would reject the proposal by billionaire Carl Icahn, a key Trump supporter. EPA plans to formally announce the decision within the next two weeks and “President Trump …

EPA To Hold RFS Hearing Next Month

Dan Energy

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold a public hearing on its Renewable Fuel Standard volume obligations August first. The hearing, to be held in Washington, D.C., will take public comment on the 2018 renewable volume obligations, along with the 2019 RVO for biomass-based diesel, according to Ethanol Producer magazine. The agency released a prepublication version of the proposed rule …

EPA Send RFS Volume Obligations to OMB

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency has sent Renewable Fuel Standard volume obligations to the White House Office of Management and Budget. The White House is expected to complete its review of the proposed rule within the next 90 days for the 2018 RVO’s and the Biomass Based Diesel Volume for 2019, according to DTN-Progressive Farmer. The deadline for the final rule …

Response to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s paper on Clean Fuel Standard

Dan Energy, Environment, Industry News Release

Growth Energy and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) joined the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) in submitting comments in response to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Discussion Paper on a Federal Clean Fuel Standard (CFS). Representatives of the three organizations just completed a visit to Canada to discuss that country’s newest environmental initiative with regulators and industry and share details …