Poll Shows Farmers Still in Trump’s Corner

Taylor Hillman Industry News Release

A new poll shows farmers are still supporting President Trump. A MarketWatch.com article shows survey results that say 83 percent of people in the agriculture business approve of his job performance. That’s the highest level of support Trump has received from the respondents in that poll from Farm Journal. The survey of almost 1,300 people took place before President Trump …

DTN Poll: Farmers Continue Supporting Trump

Dan Industry News Release

A recent poll by DTN-The Progressive Farmer finds rural Americans continue supporting President Donald Trump. The poll asked rural residents if, given a chance, they would cast their ballots differently than they had in 2016. More than 70 percent said no. Further, the survey shows support for Republican candidates, for President Trump, himself, and for his trade policies. In addition …

Farmers Express Frustration Over Trump Trade Tactics

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

American farmers are carrying the burden of trade tariffs put in place by President Donald Trump and they were in Washington this week to discuss it during a congressional hearing. Farmers shared concerns that included shrinking export markets, rising costs, and bankers who would be more reluctant to loan money for operating costs. Scott VanderWal, American Farm Bureau vice president, …

Too Early to Talk U.S. Withdrawal From WTO

Josh McGill Industry News Release

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says it’s “too early” to talk about the possibiity of the United States leaving the World Trade Organization. A Bloomberg report says the discussion comes about as a result of the Trump Administration continuing to talk about ways to improve the organization. During an interview with CNBC, Ross said, “The WTO knows there are some reforms …

Anger Rises as Tariffs Take Effect

Josh McGill Industry News Release

Lawmakers may have left steamy Washington, D.C., for cooler temperatures, but Politico says they’ve only just begun to heat up talks to kill President Donald Trump’s rapidly spreading tariff war. In talking about Trump’s tariffs, Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah says, “I want to kill them.” The Finance Committee chaired by Hatch is working on legislation to rein the president …

More Ag Tariffs In Place This Week

Josh McGill Industry News Release

Major U.S. trading partners, including China, Canada, and Mexico are hitting back against the Trump Administration’s trade policies by putting retaliatory duties on almost $50 billion worth of U.S. goods. Politico says the final list of tariffs in Canada includes a lot of U.S. agricultural products, including orange juice, maple syrup, and U.S. prepared beef products. Canada’s Foreign Minister says …

Trump Administration Planning USDA Reorganization

Dan Industry News Release

The Trump Administration is planning to put together a government reorganizing report that would include shifting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program away from the USDA and into the Department of Health and Human Services. Several of the proposals in the upcoming report are said to be highly controversial. The SNAP proposal would shrink USDA because the SNAP program is the …

Trump Says NAFTA Talks Are “Doing Nicely”

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump says this week that the North American Free Trade Agreement talks are “moving along nicely.” Bloomberg says trade ministers from Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. are meeting in Washington, D.C., and pushing to finish an agreement by early May. During a meeting with the president of France, Trump said, “NAFTA, as you know, is moving along. I …

Trump: Not Interested in Re-joining TPP

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump says “I don’t want to go back into” the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). In a news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Trump told reporters “the media has not covered the TPP correctly.” President Trump however did say that “if they offered us a deal that I can’t refuse, on behalf of the United States, I would …