Poultry Production Likely Slower in 2019

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

U.S. broiler markets are still weak, and prices are depressed. As a result, Rabobank says poultry production is likely to slow down in 2019. Nan-Dirk Mulder, a senior analyst for animal protein at Rabobank, says the outlook for the global poultry industry will gradually improve as the year progresses. The biggest improvements will likely arrive in the second half of …

National Chicken Council Animal Welfare Guidelines Certified

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

The review process has taken several months, but the National Chicken Council’s broiler and broiler breeder welfare guidelines have been certified by the Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization. PAACO is a leading authority on animal welfare auditing that provides high-quality training and certification credentials for auditors and audits. Dr. Ashley Peterson is the NCC Senior Vice President of Scientific and …

Organic Livestock Rule Delayed Until January

Dan Industry News Release, Organic, Poultry

The U.S. Department of Ag announced it will delay the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices Rule until January 19. The Hagstrom Report says the announcement was strongly criticized by several House Democrats but praised by House Ag Committee Chair Michael Conaway, a Texas Republican. There are several provisions under the rule, an example of which is requiring outdoor access for …

China Poultry Safety Standard Similar to U.S.

Dan Industry News Release, Poultry

The Department of Agriculture last week quietly released an audit report of China’s inspection system for poultry processing. The audit says China’s system is equivalent to U.S. systems and standards. The Food Safety and Inspection Service performed the audit last year. USDA released the report one month after the comment period closed on a proposed rule that will allow China …