Statement of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue on President Trump’s Paris Accord Announcement

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

“President Trump promised that he would put America first and he has rightly determined that the Paris accord was not in the best interests of the United States.  In addition to costing our economy trillions of dollars and millions of jobs, the accord also represented a willful and voluntary ceding of our national sovereignty.  The agreement would have had a …

NFU Urging Trump to Keep U.S. in Paris Climate Agreement

Dan Industry News Release

  As President Donald Trump weighs the merits of keeping the United States in the Paris Agreement, National Farmers Union (NFU) is urging the administration to maintain U.S. commitments to global leadership on climate change. The Paris Agreement is vital to enhancing the climate resiliency of family farm operations and rural communities, and it allows family farmers and ranchers to …