
Court to Hear OTA Suit Against USDA Organic Livestock Rule Withdraw

Dan Industry News Release, Livestock

The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia last week agreed to hear a challenge by the Organic Trade Association against the Department of Agriculture. OTA is challenging the agencies decision and process to withdraw organic livestock standards. USDA in March withdrew the final Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices regulation, which was to go into effect in May. The …

OTA Moving Forward with Voluntary Checkoff

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is moving forward with plans to create a voluntary checkoff program. The Association says the program would provide industry-invested organic research, promotion and education check-off program that will be collaboratively designed and implemented by organic stakeholders across the organic supply chain. The trade association has formed a Steering Committee to coordinate and lead the efforts. …

OTA Wants Voluntary Checkoff Program

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) announced a plan to move the industry toward a voluntary industry-invested organic research, promotion, and education checkoff program. It will be put together and in place by stakeholders across the organic supply chain. Laura Batcha is CEO of the Organic Trade Association. She says the group recognizes the industry’s demand for coordinated organic research and …

OTA Comments on USDA Halting Organic Checkoff Proposal

Dan Industry News Release, Organic

The Department of Agriculture has stopped consideration of a national organic checkoff program. The Agricultural Marketing Service published the proposal this week to terminate the rulemaking for the organic checkoff. USDA says the decision is “based on uncertain industry support” for the program and “substantive issues” with the proposed program. The Organic Trade Association however says the USDA actions reflects …