Ethanol Coalition Sues EPA Over Secretive RFS Waivers

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

An ethanol coalition has filed suit against the Environmental Protection Agency in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. The Renewable Fuels Association, the Advanced Coalition for Ethanol, National Corn Growers, and the National Farmers Union are suing the EPA to challenge several waivers to the Renewable Fuels Standard, given out in secret to several profitable refineries. The …

Farmers Union Wants Immediate Action on E15 Waiver

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency’s delay in allowing year-round use of E15 gasoline threatens to harm markets for family farmers. National Farmers Union President Roger Johnson wrote a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, urging the EPA to immediately institute a waiver for summertime sales of E15. Johnson says the year-round use of E15 would have significant benefits for farmers, the …

Farmers Union Urges USDA to Proactively Address Farm Suicide Crisis

Dan Industry News Release

The National Farmers Union says many farmers and ranchers are coping with alarming levels of stress, and that farmers and ranchers commit suicide at a rate five times that of the general population. In a letter to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, NFU President Roger Johnson urged the Department of Agriculture to “develop a response to the farm suicide crisis.” Johnson …

NFU Board of Directors Opposes Current House Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

The National Farmers Union Board of Directors unanimously passed a resolution opposing the current version of the House Farm Bill that passed out of the Ag Committee last week. The Board called on House members to make significant changes in the legislation before passing it. The Board says in a release that, “The House Farm Bill, as currently written, lacks …

Farm Leaders Visit Opioid Memorial in Show of Unity

Dan Industry News Release

The presidents of the nation’s two largest general farm organizations visited the “Prescribed to Death” opioid memorial in Washington, D.C., in a show of unity to address the national opioid epidemic that is disproportionately affecting farming communities. American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall and National Farmers Union  President Roger Johnson joined Anne Hazlett, Assistant to the Secretary for Rural …

NFU Concerned About Harmful Modifications to Section 199A

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Congressional appropriators revealed an omnibus appropriations bill that includes significant and harmful modifications to an important tax break for farmers and agricultural cooperatives. The break is known as Section 199A, was included in last year’s tax overhaul, as a means of leveling the playing field between ag cooperatives and corporations who received a sizeable tax break in the legislation. The …

Farmers Union Releases Priorities for Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

Urges Increased Funding for Farm Safety Net Given the persistent and ongoing economic challenges in farming and rural economies, National Farmers Union (NFU) is calling on Congress to increase funding for farm programs in the farm bill and pass the legislation as soon as possible. The NFU Board of Directors recently passed a resolution to this effect, outlining requirements for a farm …

NFU President Johnson: Tax Reform Hurts Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release

The recent tax reform package will hurt farm bill negotiations, according to National Farmers Union (NFU) President Roger Johnson. He says President Trump’s tax package will affect farmers in two ways. Tax Citing PAYGO – a budget rule requiring that tax cuts as well as increases in entitlement and other mandatory spending must be covered by tax increases or cuts …