
Farmer’s Share of the Food Dollar Falls to All-Time Low

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

The farmer’s share of the food dollar has reached an all-time low. For every dollar American consumers spend on food, U.S. farmers and ranchers earn just 14.6 cents, according to a report recently released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service. This value marks a 17 percent decline since 2011 and the smallest portion of the American food …

Two Groups Urge USDA to Finalize Farmer Fair Practices Rule

Dan Industry News Release

Two farm groups are urging the Department of Agriculture to finalize the Farmer Fair Practices rule under the Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration. The U.S. Cattlemen’s Association and the National Farmers Union say the rule will go into effect in less than three weeks, barring any setbacks from USDA. The two groups say the rule would protect family farmers …

Ag Groups Oppose Air Traffic Control Privatization

Dan Industry News Release

The Ag Retailers Association, the National Farmers Union, and a host of other groups sent a letter to Congress opposing the possible privatization of the nation’s air traffic control system. The groups say a proposal to privatize the national air traffic system is being pushed by many of the bigger airlines. The idea would take air traffic control out from …