Canada Says Serious Challenges Remain in NAFTA Talks

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Some serious challenges remain to be overcome before Canada will ever sign off on a renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA). Canada’s Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland, says hardline demands for reforms from the U.S. are the biggest of those challenges. Freeland told the House of Commons foreign affairs committee that Canada will only accept a deal that’s in their nation’s …

Canada Toughens NAFTA Stance

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a move out of President Trump’s playbook over the weekend, offering his own threats to walk away from the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA). Trudeau says there are several reasons Canada could choose not to accept the re-negotiated agreement. Speaking at a town-hall event, Bloomberg reports that Trudeau said: “Canada is willing to walk …

Doud Nomination Hold Lifted

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Jeff Flake, Senate Republican from Arizona, has lifted his hold on the nomination of Gregg Doud as chief agriculture negotiator. Flake had placed his hold on the President Trump nominee because he was upset about a Trump proposal in the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations. The proposal would have allowed Florida tomato producers to use U.S. trade remedy laws …

National Cotton Council Closely Watching NAFTA Renegotiations

Dan Cotton

The National Cotton Council continues its work on various issues of interest to growers, one of those being trade. NCC’s Vice President of Washington Operations, Reece Langley, was in the Southeast this week attending the Georgia Cotton Commission’s annual meeting in Tifton. He said they are closely watching the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiations. National Cotton Council Closely …

Senator Says Trump Can’t Unilaterally Withdraw from NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico is urging Congress to “step up” and tell President Trump that there is widespread support for the North American Free Trade Agreement modernization effort, but not an exit from the trade deal. The Democrat says Trump “cannot unilaterally repeal” trade laws regarding NAFTA, “even if he can issue unilateral statements” regarding NAFTA participation, according …

Commerce Secretary Ross: NAFTA Talks Far from Over

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC that the North American Free Trade Agreement re-negotiations are “far from being completed.” While noting that progress was made on easier provisions, he says “very little has been done on the hard issues,” including automotive trade and agriculture. Ross says President Trump could still choose to withdrawal from the agreement, saying a final renegotiated …

NAFTA Talks to Continue, Optimism Increasing

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are at a “much better point,” according to trade officials from Mexico. Speaking at the conclusion of the latest round of talks held in Canada, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said: “We finally began to discuss the core issues.” All three sides agreed to language governing anti-corruption during the latest …

Agri View: Agriculture Trade Changes

Dan Agri View, Trade

Everett Griner talks about the United States out of TPP Trade Group in today’s Agri View. Agriculture Trade Changes If you know anything at all about agriculture you will know the importance of export trade. Particularly, every crop we grow/produce commercially, is involved in this process. I have talked many times about NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. Which …

Farmers for Free Trade Attend NAFTA Negotiations in Montreal

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The advocacy group Farmers for Free Trade took a contingent of American farmers and agricultural officials to Montreal, where the sixth round of NAFTA negotiations are ongoing. The goal was to speak out about the importance of the NAFTA and the need for some certainty as farmers make choices for the upcoming growing season. Terry Nelson is a diversified cattle …