White House Economist Dodges NAFTA Withdrawal Questions

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Kevin Hassett, Chief White House Economist, attacked the integrity of past and present government officials who have negotiated U.S. trade agreements. However, he declined to say if the U.S. would be better off economically should President Trump withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The question at a White House briefing was, “Would it be a good thing …

Mexico Buying More Brazilian Corn as NAFTA Negotiations Continue

Dan Corn, Industry News Release, Trade

Mexico purchased ten times more corn from Brazil last year than it had previously. Reuters says that’s due to the uncertainty regarding the potential outcome of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations. Mexican government data and top grain merchants all say they fear supply disruption from the U.S. if the White House ever followed through on its threat …

Trump to Sit Down with Mexican President

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations will be just one of the topics President Trump will discuss with the President of Mexico when they meet in the next few weeks. Bloomberg says they plan to discuss the relationship between the two countries and several pending issues. The meeting comes after several months of sometimes contentious NAFTA discussions and …

NAFTA Exit Would Trigger 15 cent Mexican Sugar Tariff

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would revert the U.S. tariff on sugar imports from Mexico to 15 cents per-pound, the level in place before NAFTA went into effect. A trade adviser to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told a meeting of the sweetener industry this week that NAFTA eliminated the U.S. tariff on sugar, but Mexican sugar …

Canada: Trade Problems Expected with the U.S. Even if NAFTA is Signed

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada expects trade challenges from the U.S. will continue even if the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks are successful. A senior Canadian government official says: “Even if a new NAFTA were to be signed tomorrow I think we would still face a lot of turbulence in our relationship with the United States on trade.” Timothy Sargent, the top …

Former Ag Trade Negotiator Says Much Work Left on NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A former Obama administration trade official says there is too much left to do before the deadline for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks. Former Chief Agricultural Negotiator for the U.S. Trade Representative, Darci Vetter, told Agriculture.com the negotiations “have a long way to go.” Noting that some issues don’t have an assigned approach yet by the administration, …

McKinney Updates U.S. Grains Council on Trade Negotiations

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Affairs, Ted McKinney, addressed the delegates and members of the U.S. Grains Council early this week. He gave them updates on ongoing trade negotiations that will affect global grains market access. McKinney also announced a $1.3 million-dollar grant for Council feed industry training programs in North Africa and the Middle East. The U.S. …

Canada: 73 Percent of U.S. Milk Price is Subsidized

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Canada’s dairy subsidies have been a controversial topic during the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations. For many years, the U.S. dairy industry has claimed that their Canadian counterparts are heavily subsidized through their dairy supply management program. The U.S. says that supply management program, and the Class and pricing systems in place, creates an unfair playing field. The …