Conaway Won’t Seek Reelection Following Current Term

Dan Industry News Release

(NAFB) — Representative Mike Conaway of Texas announced Wednesday he would not seek reelection. The long-time House Agriculture Committee member and former Chairman calls his time in Congress “an honor and privilege that I cannot adequately describe.” Conaway made the announcement in Midland, Texas, during a news conference. Conaway told reporters he would be term-limited from continuing his leadership as …

farm bill

Agreement Reached in Principle on 2018 Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

House and Senate Agriculture Committee Chairmen Mike Conaway (R-Texas) and Pat Roberts (R- Kan.) and Ranking Members Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) made the following announcement on the state of 2018 Farm Bill negotiations: “We’re pleased to announce that we’ve reached an agreement in principle on the 2018 Farm Bill. We are working to finalize legal and report …


House Moves to Send Farm Bill to Conference Committee

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

The House of Representatives moved to send the 2018 Farm Bill to conference committee. Following the vote, Speaker Paul Ryan (WI-01) named the House conferees, or members who will seek to resolve the differences between the two chambers’ bills. House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) issued the following statement on the House’s action: “Today, we move one step …

Perdue: Farmers Can’t Pay Bills on Patriotism

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Trade

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue Tuesday called farmers “some of the best patriots in America,” while speaking at an event, but said farmers “can’t pay the bills with patriotism.” Perdue made the comments at Axios 360, an event held by news website Axios, in Washington, D.C. Tuesday morning. Perdue says farmers and ranchers are “bearing the brunt” of the ongoing trade …

U.S. House Holds Next Move on Farm Bill

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Senator Pat Roberts points out that the U.S. House has the next move on the farm bill. The Senate Agriculture Committee chairman told a group of veteran farmers this week that the farm bill conference should begin “soon,” according to the Hagstrom Report. However, Roberts says the House must make the next move by rejecting the Senate version of the …

Farm Bill Conference Could be Slow

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Lawmakers are back on Capitol Hill this week but getting the farm bill to the finish line may be a slow process. The Hagstrom Report speculates the process will be sluggish, based on statements from the office of Pat Roberts, chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee. His office stated: Chairman Roberts “looks forward” to working with his counterparts to “provide …

Senate Ag Plans Farm Bill Markup

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

The Senate Agriculture Committee Thursday announced it will consider the Senate version of the farm bill next week.  Markup of the bill is planned for Wednesday, at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time. The bipartisan bill, according to committee leaders, will “provide much-needed certainty” for farmers and ranchers. Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Pat Roberts and Ranking Democrat Debbie Stabenow announced the business meeting …

Conaway Says Democrats Wrong to Oppose SNAP Changes

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Legislative

House Ag Committee Chair Mike Conaway says Democrats are not accurately portraying the changes he’s proposing to overhaul the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(SNAP). Politico quotes Conaway as saying that Democrats on the committee will see the difference between what he’s proposing and “what they’ve been told Republicans are doing,” and will see the value in the idea. Conaway’s proposals include …

farm bill

Congressman Yoho Provides Farm Bill Update

Dan Farm Bill

We told you last week that disagreements among the House Agriculture Committee members regarding the nutrition title have stalled movement on the farm bill. Committee Chairman Mike Conaway of Texas had hoped for a markup of the farm bill this week, but that isn’t going to happen. Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman talked with U.S. Congressman Ted Yoho, who represents the 3rd …

Partisan Farm Bill a No-Go in the Senate

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley says the Senate Ag Committee is on track to release a bipartisan farm bill after the Easter recess. Politico says Grassley is warning lawmakers that a Republican-only bill coming out of the House would have no chance of getting through the upper chamber. Bipartisan farm bill talks are stalled in the House amid complaints from Democrats …