
Alabama Ag Commissioner Pate Supports USMCA

Dan Alabama, Exports/Imports, Field Crops, Forestry, Industry News Release, Livestock, Trade

Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Rick Pate issued the following statement on July 26, 2019: Alabama’s agricultural and forestry producers and related industries have been resilient in the face of hurricanes, tornados, floods, and droughts that devastated our state in the last few months. In addition to weathering these natural disasters, farmers and foresters now find themselves literally waiting on an Act …

usmca mexico trade

Livestock Industry: Pass USMCA

Dan Cattle, Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Livestock, Trade

(NAFB) — Tuesday, the House Agriculture Committee’s Livestock and Foreign Agriculture Subcommittee held a hearing to review the state of the U.S. livestock and poultry economies. Livestock industry witnesses were unanimous in their message to Congress—pass the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement (USMCA) now. Here is John Zimmerman for the National Turkey Federation. “Our number one priority is passage of USMCA. Our …


Time Running Out on USMCA Summer Vote

Dan Exports/Imports, Trade

(NAFB) — Supporters of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA) have been pushing for some time to see a summer vote on the deal. They’d like Congress to ratify the deal before they head off on their August recess. However, House Democrats say they’re not in a hurry to hold a vote. That pre-recess legislative window is getting closer to slamming …

usmca mexico trade

Summer Passage of USMCA Looking Doubtful

Dan Legislative, Trade

(NAFB) — Key lawmakers in Washington, D.C. cast significant doubt on the possibility of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA) getting passed through Congress yet this summer. This comes in spite of the fact that political pressure is ramping up. Congress has a long summer recess rapidly approaching. Politico says it’s looking like Democrats are sticking to their ideas that the …


Senate in Mexico Ratifies USMCA

Dan Trade

It has been announced that the Senate in Mexico officially passed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), making it the first country to ratify the new North American trade pact. As Gary Crawford reports, the trade deal is one step closer to becoming an operational reality.

usmca mexico trade

USMCA: Trudeau Heads to Washington

Dan Exports/Imports, Trade

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau heads to Washington, D.C. this week, as part of an effort to ratify the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The trade deal has the least path of resistance in Mexico, where lawmakers are expected to ratify the agreement this month. The trade deal also faces a quick route to passage in Canada, leaving passage in the U.S. …

Farm Bureau Leader: UF/IFAS Analysis Shows the Destructive Effects of Mexican Farm Imports

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release

Gainesville, Fla. (FFBF) – A new economic analysis conducted by a University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) team has confirmed that Mexican imports have significantly harmed fruit and vegetable producers in the Sunshine State.  A steadily increasing surge of Mexican products has entered the U.S. domestic market during Florida’s peak winter seasons since the North American Free Trade …


Trump on China Trade Talks and Mexico Immigration Deal

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration, Trade

(NAFB) President Trump says in a hopeful sign for renewed trade talks with China, that he expects to meet with President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of a G20 summit in Japan later this month. Trump, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office during a meeting with Poland’s president, now says he plans to meet with China’s Xi Jinping this …

Senate Finance Plans USMCA Hearing

Dan Legislative, Trade

Senator Chuck Grassley this week announced a planned hearing regarding the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Grassley, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, says the committee will hear testimony from U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. The committee will hold the hearing, “The President’s 2019 Trade Policy Agenda and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement,” next Tuesday morning. Grassley told reporters earlier this week, following …

Avoiding Mexican Tariffs a Major Relief to U.S. Meat Industry

Dan Beef, Exports/Imports, Livestock, Trade

The White House recently announced a plan to impose tariffs on all goods imported from Mexico unless more steps were taken to curb illegal migration at the U.S.-Mexico border. But on June 7, President Trump announced that Mexico had pledged to enhance its efforts to address border security issues, and the proposed tariffs were not imposed. As U.S. Meat Export …