ITC Affirms that Mexican Dumping Threatens U.S. Tomato Growers

Dan Field Crops, Florida, Fruits, Industry News Release, Vegetables

(FTE) — In a unanimous decision, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) made an affirmative determination that dumped Mexican tomato imports threaten the U.S. industry with material injury. This determination comes on the heels of an announcement last month by the U.S. Department of Commerce, which found that Mexican tomatoes had been dumped in the U.S. market at an average …

Peterson: USMCA Vote Possible This Week or Next

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

(NAFB) — The House of Representatives could vote on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement as early as this week or the next. According to Farm Journal’s, Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin C. Peterson (MN) appeared on the “D.C. Signal to Noise Podcast” recently and said Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to get USMCA approval “on the fast track.” Peterson says USMCA Working Group …

Clock Ticking on USMCA Passage

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

(NAFB) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week voiced optimism for bringing up the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal for House action, soon. But there’s still no sign of a negotiating breakthrough with the White House, and the clock is ticking. There are only 16 legislative days left when the House returns next week from its latest recess. American Farm Bureau …

Pence Presses House Democrats to Hold USMCA Vote

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

(NAFB) — Vice President Mike Pence again called on the House of Representatives to bring the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to a vote. Speaking at an event in Virginia over the weekend, Pence says Democrats in the House “are spending all their time on endless investigations and a partisan impeachment.” Pence told the event, “The time has come for your congressmen …

usmca mexico trade

Mexico Says U.S. Congress Will Move on USMCA Trade Deal Soon

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

(NAFB) — Mexico’s Deputy Foreign Minister for North America said Friday that he believes U.S. lawmakers will begin the process of approving the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA) soon. He believes it will move forward in the U.S. Congress now that Mexican President Obrador has vowed to increase wages and funding for labor reforms. A Yahoo Dot Com article says the …

Commerce Department Announces Final Dumping Margin of 21% on Mexican Tomato Imports

Dan Exports/Imports, Fruits, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

International Trade Commission will now Evaluate Injury to U.S. Growers Washington, D.C. (FTE-October 22, 2019) — The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced a final dumping margin of 21 percent in the resumed antidumping investigation of Mexican tomatoes.  This result comes as no surprise to American tomato farmers who have seen domestic production decline significantly in the face of unfairly traded …

VP Pence Calls on Congress to Pass USMCA

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

(NAFB) — Vice President Mike Pence spent time early this week promoting the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) while calling on Congress to pass the trade deal. Pence penned an editorial in the Arizona Daily Star promoting the trade agreement. The Vice President also toured a Tyson Foods facility in Tennessee. Meanwhile, in a White House statement, Pence says USMCA will add …

New Suspension Agreement is Step in Right Direction

Dan Fruits, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

Washington, D.C. (FTE-September 19, 2019) — The Florida Tomato Exchange (FTE) welcomes the signing by the U.S. Department of Commerce and Mexican tomato exporters of a new agreement suspending the antidumping investigation of fresh tomatoes from Mexico. The new suspension agreement includes strong monitoring, enforcement and anti-circumvention provisions, including border inspections, that should help eliminate the injury to American tomato …

Navarro: Congress Will Pass USMCA Yet This Year

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

(NAFB-September 11, 2019) — Peter Navarro says there is a 100 percent chance Congress will pass the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The advisor to President Donald Trump told CNBC news that he “can’t imagine that Nancy Pelosi would not put this on the floor to at least have a vote.” He expects the vote will occur before the end of this …