Georgia Cotton Commission Approves 2019 Research

Dan Cotton, Georgia, Industry News Release

At its April 11th Board Meeting, the Georgia Cotton Commission Board of Directors approved $697,802 in research for the 2019 crop year, an increase from the $665,196 approved for 2018.  This money will go to fund 21 research projects that will be conducted by researchers from the University of Georgia and the University of West Georgia.  These projects range from …

georgia grown

New 100 Percent Georgia Grown Cotton T-Shirts Introduced

Dan Cotton, Georgia, Industry News Release

Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black presented Georgia State Governor Nathan Deal with a 100 percent Georgia Grown cotton t-shirt during a press conference on March 20 at the Georgia State Capitol. Black told Southeast AgNet that the conference was held to announce a new line of Georgia Grown t-shirts grown and sewn locally in Georgia in partnership with the …


2017 Georgia Quality Cotton Award Winners

Dan Cotton, Georgia, Industry News Release

The 2017 Georgia Quality Cotton Awards were presented at the Georgia Cotton Commission 11th Annual Meeting and UGA Cotton Production Workshop on January 31, 2018 in Tifton, GA. The awards are co-sponsored by the Georgia Cotton Commission and Bayer CropScience, and administered by the University of Georgia Cotton Team. The purpose of the awards are to recognize producers and ginners …

Cotton Production Has Slight Increase

Dan Cotton, Crop Forecasts

All cotton production is forecast at 21.4 million, 480 pound bales, up 1 percent from last month and up 25 percent from last year. Yield is expected to average 900 pounds per harvested acre, up 33 pounds from last year. As of October 29, 55 percent of the cotton acreage was rated in good to excellent condition, compared with 49 percent at the same time last year. Ninety-three …