A Secret Weapon for Fighting Off Unwanted Pests in Your Garden

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

When it comes to your garden, you’ll likely also have to contend with hungry bugs that want to nibble your prized flowers or move into your lettuce patch. But now there’s a secret weapon to help deal with those uninvited critters, thanks to The Big Bug Hunt. This citizen science project aims to give you a heads-up when certain pests …

Tomato Plant Diseases to Watch Out for this Summer

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Nothing will ruin a tomato crop plant than diseases like leaf spots and blights that can pop up and ruin your garden party. Don’t let these potential problems scare you away, though. Growing healthy tomato plants is relatively simple when you plant disease-resistant varieties, space plants properly, mulch, and water at least 1 inch per week. Septoria leaf spots is …

Building a New Flower Bed

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

A new flower bed offers you the chance to get creative and fill it with whatever you can imagine. When you’re starting from scratch, there are a few things to consider first. Here are the questions you need to answer:  Where will it go? How much will sunlight will it get? What’s the soil like? Once you’ve chosen a site, …

Plants that Thrive in Your Garden, No Matter What

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Add a little flower power to your garden this year with some tough as nails hardy perennial bloomers.  Practically indestructible, daylilies will flower profusely in almost any sunny spot. They are drought and insect resistant and offer a wide range of colors and bi-colors. Epimediums, also called barrenwort, is one of the best shade perennials that provides a ground cover …

Protect Your Garden from a Heatwave

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Summer heat is stressful for all plants from vegetable plants to your grass. During a heatwave there are a few problems that could happen in the garden. All of the moisture in the soil can evaporate, leading to plants wilting and, potentially, dying. The scorching sun can burn your plants, especially after you water and leave droplets behind. And, high …

Quick and Easy Foods for Kids to Grow at Home

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Kids may not always like to eat their veggies, but it might be fun for them to grow their own.  Especially since they are around the home a lot more than usual these days. Gardening will certainly provide some excitement, as well as daily activities—observing, watering, harvesting—to keep them busy with something worthwhile. To help with making this venture successful, …

Tips for Growing Warmer Container Vegetables

Dan This Land of Ours, Vegetables

Cathy Isom has some planting and growing tips for warmer container vegetables.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Container gardening gives you flexibility in warm climates because it allows you to move tender heat-loving vegetables like peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes indoors during frosty nights, as well as move heat-averse veggies like salad greens to a shadier spot when …