Former Senators Ask Congress to Investigate EPA/RFS Waivers

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

Former Senators Byron Dorgan of North Dakota and James Talent of Missouri both played major roles in the legislation that established the current Renewable Fuels Standard. This week, the two say Congress should investigate the waivers to the RFS granted to more than two-dozen refineries by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. In a statement released by the National Biodiesel …

EPA Approves Emergency Fuel Waivers for Gulf and East Coast States

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

As a result of the continuing impacts of Gulf Coast-area refineries and disruption to the fuel distribution system caused by Hurricane Harvey, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt exercised EPA’s emergency fuel waiver authority to help ensure an adequate supply of fuel throughout the South, Southeast and the Mid-Atlantic. EPA has waived requirements for reformulated gasoline and low volatility gasoline through September 15 …